
⇒ Con­tent of this blog: On March 4th, Italy will return to vote to elect  new Par­lia­ment Mem­bers. Eight ALDE indi­vid­ual mem­bers are can­di­dates with the lib­er­al-demo­c­ra­t­ic list + Europa with Emma Boni­no. In these inter­views we present the first 4 of them. We asked three ques­tions to all of them and one dif­fer­ent, about some impor­tant top­ics for Italy and Europe.

Can­di­dates we present today:


Born in Can­tù, province of Como in 1974, pres­i­dent of Cer­ti Dirit­ti Asso­ci­a­tion, LGBT Activist.

Mem­ber of Rad­i­cali Ital­iani, for­mer pres­i­dent of ALDE Par­ty Indi­vid­ual Mem­bers. Can­di­date for Deputees Cham­ber at  “Pluri­nom­i­nale” (More name list) in Lom­bar­dia 02.


Born in Fog­gia in 1973, she lives in Turin. Tre­saur­er of Rad­i­cali Ital­iani, ALDE Par­ty Indi­vid­ual Mem­ber.

Leader can­di­date for Deputees Cham­ber at “Uni­nom­i­nale” (Sin­gle name list) in Turin 02 and at  “Pluri­nom­i­nale” (More name list) in Piemonte 1, Lazio 1, Cam­pa­nia 1, Cam­pa­nia 2



Born in Turin in 1969, jour­nal­ist, edi­tor in  chief of polit­i­cal study on line mag­a­zine “Strade”, ALDE Par­ty Indi­vid­ual Mem­ber and mem­ber of Rad­i­cali Ital­iani.

Can­di­date for Sen­ate at  “Pluri­nom­i­nale” (More name list) in Piemonte 1, Piemonte 2, Lom­bar­dia 2, Lom­bar­dia 3, Lom­bar­dia 4.


Born in Milan 1976, she lives in Rome where she works as train­er and con­sutant in crow­fund­ing sec­tor.

Mem­ber of Rad­i­cali Ital­iani and ALDE Par­ty Indi­vid­ual Mem­ber. Can­di­date for Sen­ate at  “Pluri­nom­i­nale” (More name list) in Vene­to 01, Vene­to 02, Trenti­no Alto Adi­ge 01, Friuli Venezia Giu­lia 01, Lazio 02, Lazio 03

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